Tuesday, November 6, 2018


McDonalds Tex Mex stack advert

The opening shot of a street with a bus stop and a block of flats behind is purposefully made to look as plain and commonplace in the uk as possible. The two men are introduced into the scene in a wide shot to make it clear that they're having a conversation at the beginning seconds. They are both dressed plainly but in clothes that correspond with the transformation that is being set up for.
As the friend walks into the scene it cuts to a closer mid shot which corresponds more with two friends having a conversation. It has the effect of making the conversation feel closer and more intimate than the wide shot this was purposefully chosen as it corresponds to McDonalds brand as a friendly reliable place. This cuts to a second mid shot of the friend in blue introducing the burger being advertised. This cuts back to the friend in brown for a second who shows interest before cutting again to show that he's had his hairstyle changed. This repeats itself again to reveal the friend dressed entirely as cowboy, finishing his description. The next cut changes the shot to a mid-wide shot revealing his entire outfit and moving the camera angle so that he is no longer talking directly at the audience but rather at the friend to draw attention back to him. In the same vein as the last two examples the camera is cut back to him to show his own cowboy outfit, representative of their interest in the burger. The final shot of the two returns to the wide shot from before showing them riding away on a ?. This juxtaposes the street and draws attention to them as a point of humour.
This changes to showing off the four burgers from the 'Great tastes of america' range zooming into the slowly. The last cut being the specific Tex Mex burger rotating.

McDonalds Poster Tall blonde gorgeous

This poster shows a completely white background with a picture of fries on the right and the phrase 'tall blonde gorgeous' in red to contrast the background and stand out. The phrase is obviously supposed to be a decryption of their food and simultaneously a subversion of how the phrase would usually be used; to describe a person. In this way it is implied that people can and will have an intense emotional connection or even sexual attraction to the fries. Obviously being a dramatic exaggeration of how good, or even just nice looking their fries are. The way the fries are slightly out of shot makes the audiences attention first go to the text which sets up their expectations, which are then subverted when they see the actual product.

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